Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Purpose of a Student Reflection Essay

Purpose of a Student Reflection EssayThe purpose of a student reflection essay is to allow the writer to explore what the world has taught them about their own identity. As students get older, their thoughts and ideas about themselves change. Graduating from high school can bring with it a new set of ideas that were there all along, but have been repressed. A reflection essay enables the writer to process these suppressed thoughts and discover for themselves what is real and what is not.Reflection is an important component of writing. It can open up the writer's thoughts and can allow them to explore who they really are. It is the exploration of one's self that allows the writer to find the unique individual. In this way, a reflection essay can be a life changing experience. This type of writing helps the writer to discover the root of who they are.An example of a reflection essay could be from the perspective of someone who may be born with a disability or has had to endure some for m of abuse in their childhood. The writer can consider what this experience meant to them and what it does to them today. The writer could also consider if they are a victim of abuse as a child or in adulthood. A student reflection essay would explore what it means to be a victim or abuser. They could even consider if their family should have done something different to protect them.Another reflection essay would explore how they define success. A young woman may write of her dreams for the future or how she defines success. She could find joy in her writing and ask herself what it means to her to create a piece of art that others can admire. Her answers could lead her to explore what true success is.Other questions might include finding creative opportunities in their lives and even writing. A young woman who is creative may consider how being a writer opens up many new opportunities. It can provide a gateway to places and people that she never would have explored otherwise. After all, who wants to write about loneliness and adversity?Reflection also has another side to it. It can be used to change someone's life by helping them to realize they are who they think they are. Often times when a person thinks they are a different person, they really are a person that is trapped in the perceptions of others. By the time they realize that they are a person that is trapped in a stereotype, it is too late.A reflection can be just as powerful as a confession. A person can reveal their deepest, darkest secrets or even a life filled with abuse. The writer can reflect on what life has taught them about life. Even through the most extreme and harmful experiences can open a person's eyes to the importance of a good person. The reader can see the value of a good person in the life of the writer.Reflection is an integral part of life. It can help someone to reach a higher level of understanding. It can teach the writer how to live a life of happiness and how a life that is f illed with suffering is not worth living.

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